I must say the school year is going pretty well with my new system. I'm staying organized, the kids are staying organized. They are not fighting me with their work like they usually are doing (even at the start of the year). Hopefully I have found a system that works for our family.
Each week I figure out how the lessons will go with what is going on that week with appts and outside activities. I let the kids know and they write them down in the school planner. A needs more help than C does, so we do a lot of reading of lessons together. Again this seems to be working well. There are a few subjects we all do together.
The new system is also helping me with adding in videos to help with learning and remembering the lessons. I also loved videos more than just reading the subject, the really helped me remember and the girls feel the same way.
Kevin is also teaching A chemistry and reading for enjoyment with her more.
C is a pretty strong reader now and wants to work on writing, vocabulary and spelling.
The girls are getting up around 8 am, getting some chores done and eating and then off they start. This also seems to be working well too. Frees up the afternoons a lot more.
The only thing I need to work on more is getting exercise in for myself with the new system and me helping amber a lot more. When i would typically do it, just is not syncing up well with lessons. So I have to figure this out a little more. I will figure it out and will get back to rocking the exercise.
We are using a lot of currclick non religious ebooks and their live classes. Things are going good. Let's see how we are doing next week :)