Tuesday, August 21, 2012


One of my goals this year was to read 12 books.  The year before I may have read around 6 books.

I was really nervous setting this goal because I haven't really sat and read in years.  Owning kindles boosted my reading over the past few years but nothing like I did this year.  A friend of mine was challenging herself to a book challenge and I knew there was no way I could read as many as she could and she suggested a book a month for me.  I took her up on the challenge.

When setting this goal, I knew I would be reading my normal cops, mysteries and paranormal type books.  I also wanted to read something I typically wouldn't read. I read one christian book (not in your face religion but more spiritual) and also the trilogy 50 shades lol.  Neither I was intending to read but they came into my life at the right moments.  I did enjoy both, but couldn't wait to get back to my normal genre of books.  Which I am once again reading.  I'm just starting book #15.

I won't be really thinking about 2013 goals yet, but I will have to up my challenge with the books and maybe read something else a little different for myself.  Or  maybe finally finish one of those spiritual books I started (those seem to take me longer)  I really love fiction and the wonderful worlds it can create.

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