Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ending one chapter starting another

Ending one chapter.  The girls have been doing martial arts for the last 5 1/2 years.  They are now red belts, 2 belts away from being black belts.  Over the past month or so they have started asking to do new things, those things were at the same time we do martial arts lessons. They decided they would like to stop the martial arts lessons for acting and hula hoop lessons.  I made them sit on their decision and think about it.  They love martial arts and they love their teachers, their teachers are all amazing. Their hearts weren't in it for the black belt, and that's ok.  It was very hard to say goodbye.  A picture from when they got their red belts.  

Starting the new chapter.  Amber has wanted to start acting lessons for a few years now, but we just couldn't fit in the schedule.  Chloe is getting really awesome with the hula hoop.  Amber gets to start acting lessons in two weeks.  Chloe is getting tips at my hula hoop lessons and will be starting class as soon as the next one starts up.  They both want to do painting and drawing classes.    

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