This is a good question. We get asked this from time to time and most of the time my response is WE LOVE IT, it works for our family. I'll sometimes say where we used to live the school district wasn't the greatest and I had several friends already homeschooling. I did my research, shared it with hubby and we decided to try it. And 13 years later here we are still love it and growing and rolling with it. Changing what needs to change and keeping what needs to be kept.
We homeschool for the flexibility, the fun of learning, we can be eclectic in our style of learning. It's really hard to pinpoint just one reason. I love watching my kids learn and when I don't think they are getting it they surprise me with something and I do that - hmmm I guess they do get it - WOOHOO moments. Chalk one up for mom. : )
We don't homeschool for religious reason at all. This was never our intent. This is the other question we are asked often. Many people still believe people who homeschool, homeschool for religious reasons. Back in the early years that was the biggest reason. Nowadays one could homeschool for many reasons - not happy with the school system, kids are being bullied, wanting to give their kids a much rounder education and many many more reasons. Our goal is to raise free-thinking, loving, compassionate, and happy children that take these things with them as they grow into adults and become free-thinking, loving, compassionate and happy adults.
Our typical day is lessons in the morning and many are computer based, then we try to have activities in the afternoon out of the house. Friends hanging out, field trips, beach days, art classes, acting, hula hooping. We keep pretty busy. They also take online courses and we belong to a local co-op that meets once a week. We also love our down days just sitting around the house doing whatever.
The learning opportunities are endless, are amazing and the family time is priceless. That is why we homeschool.
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