Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Goals in Review

2013 was a crazy year with lots of ups and downs that kept us on our toes.  I tried to stay focused on my goals during all this.  It was a pretty fun year with lots of memories made.

2013 goal list

- 1. American girl store
- 2. Tougas Family Farm to see pumpkin tree - FALL TIME
- 3. Gertrude Chandler Warner Museum in Putnam, Connecticut. sometime after May
- 4. Beardsley Zoological Gardens, flower gardens
- 5. Osborne Homestead Museum. 500 Hawthorne Avenue. 203-734-2513. - flower gardens
x 6. Pick 3 towns to explore in CT
- 7. Indian museum
- 8. Statue of liberty
- 9.. Pardee Rose Garden. East Rock Park, 180 Park Road. 203-946-8142.
x 10. Dinosaur state park
- 11. A play in NYC
- 12. Go to a hockey game
x 13. be at a beach at sunset
- 14. Boat ride on the CT river
x 15. spend more time outside
x 16. find a new park to go hiking at
- 17. block island
x 18. go to haunted sites and learn the history
- 19. stand at the today show
x 20. go bowling
x 21. more time at the beach on nice days
- 22. Kite flying
- 23. Thimble islands
- 24. Go to a roller derby
- 25. Pez
- 26. Go to NYC
- 27. Http://
- 28. Http://
- 1. Paint my living room
- 2. Learn more about rocks and minerals
- 3. Paint my kitchen
x 4. organizing my crafting supplies
x 5. create a new home for our lighthouse collection
x 6. backsplash in kitchen. - decided against it
x 7. rearrange living room
x 1. start jogging on my treadmill STARTED DOING TONING AND HULA HOOP
x 2. do more dance games with kinect
x 3. Tone up my body and make it strong
- 4. learn line dancing
x 5. learn about making my own essential blends, bath stuff etc.
x 6. get better at wall pushups
x 7. learn some new hula hoop tricks
x 8. get better at sit ups
- 9. Learn about chakras
x 1. try a new recipe 2x a month if not more.
- 2. Start a gratitude journal
x 3. find comfy nice shoes to wear
- 4. use the great courses cooking video to learn to cook better
- 5. Put all videos from camera into a movie
- 6. learn to play my didgeradoo
x 7. Learning power point
- 8. make a christmas card list address book
- 9. Get passports
x 10. read 39 books in 2013 (13x3)
x 11. create in my art journal
x 12. create in my goddess journal
- 13. learn jewelry making
- 14 Learn to crochet valences with this flower
x 15. Infinity scarf
x 16. learn to press flowers
x 17. Learn some new crochet patterns
- 18. Write more poetry and haiku's
x 19. knit some scarves to sell on etsy
- 20. learn needle felting
x 21. Pay down bills
x 22. learn to crochet
- 23. Great courses meditation
- 24. Great courses healthy eating
- 25. Great courses photography
x Trip to NC/GA
x Learned to crochet water bottle holder, fingerless gloves and barefoot sandles
x Maritime Aquarium
x Rock and mineral show
x Mystic seaport
x Dinosaur park
x Ren fest in MD
x Walked in seymour parade

Thursday, December 26, 2013

My weight loss journey

I think a picture can sum up how i feel the most.  I love the 5:2 way of eating and love that i'm starting to love how exercise makes my body feel and look.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Update on the 5:2 way of eating

A quick update on my 5:2 way of eating.  I love it!  I'm down 15 pounds.  Some fast days are harder than others but all in all it's pretty easy.  I have more energy which is a big plus and overall I seem much happier.

On my fast days I'm averaging about 600-700 calories which is not to bad.  I'm sure if I could get it under 500 I'd be losing faster but this is fine for me.  I also eat less on feast days and I'm learning the difference from being hungry and bored eating which = a healthier relationship with my food.

Things I'm noticing:  my arms are closer to my body, going up the stairs is getting easier, my back is hurting less (could also be the stretching i'm doing), I had this big fat poof on my neck and even though it's still there it's getting smaller and softer and less defined (hubby's words) and last time I measured I had lost 1.75 inches.  I will measure again at the end of this month.

Next post I will post a comparison photo.


I'm not the most organized at blogging, but I have all good intentions to do so.  I wanted to do a blog about our vacation that was in September we are now in November.  

We went down south for my nieces wedding.  We made a pitstop in MD to see family and friends.  I had one niece there and shortly before heading out for vacation another niece moved down.  We went to NC and GA and the girls and I are so ready to move south!  They are thinking college down there.  

Some pictures of the trip.  
 We got to go to the MD renfest, haven't been in years
 and we got to see the dualing fools!  I laugh so hard my face hurts.  

 Admiring I believe the south river in MD
 Wilmington NC THE BEACH!!!

 They enjoyed the waves and had such a blast

 The bride and her brother (my niece and nephew)
 Got to have breakfast with two of my nieces, my nephew in law and my great nephew

 Had dinner at the pirate house before going on our ghost trolley tour
 Saw some old friends who took us out on their boat.  

 We had such a wonderful trip and can't wait to go back south again!  My best guess 2015!  I hope!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

5:2 diet or the Fast Diet

I'm really really overweight/very obese and I have been trying to lose weight for a long time.  I've tried many different things like Weight Watchers, Atkins, a low carb/high protein, eating less processed and more from the earth many many things.  I would exercise 5x a week, I've counted calories - nothing would really work.  Actually when I was counting calories I actually gained more weight.  I do have hashimotos thyroid which has led me to being hypothyroid just add that to the struggle of losing weight.

So a few weeks ago I saw my doctor and she's like Micki you really need to get this weight off.  (she is a really sweet caring doctor).  She then told me she herself tried this diet called The Fast Diet or also known as the 5:2 diet (fast 2 days and eat normal the other 5 days).  She said look into it and give it a try.  She said she tried it and it was doable and she lost what she wanted to lose.

I came home started googling and looking into the diet.  The one thing I was worried about the most was the blood sugar crashes I get when I don't eat regularly.  I went and looked for some support groups on facebook and found a couple and joined.  I asked some questions like the blood sugar question and everyone said it wasn't that bad and to just try it.  I also talked with a friend of mine about it and she also said she would try it with me and my husband said he'd do it too!!!

I sat down and logged into Sparkpeople and started planning out my food for the fast days.  Plugged in my recipes to the recipe calculator which let me know how much calories were in a serving of food.  I made sure I had my calories balanced and made sure my meals were filled with fiber and protein.  I was all set for my first fast day.

Tuesday came and I drank a lot of water and tea and kept busy till I could eat around 11/noontime.  That first bite of my western omelet was amazing.  I could taste all the flavors in it and it was so satisfying.  That first meal of the fast was to change how I looked at food.  I promptly emailed my friend who is doing the WOE (way of eating) with me and she also experienced food tasting better.  The afternoon passed, I stayed busy drank lots of water and tea and about 3pm i started to feel a little shaky and light headed.  My friend reminded me to eat a pickle so I did and it really helped. Something about pickles that help with hunger, probably something in the pickling is my best guess.  I also had a couple stalks of celery a little later and with those two things I made it to dinner.  Dinner was also very tasty!  All of my meals have tasted better since starting 5:2 WOE.

I know there is a lot of science behind the idea of this diet/WOE and some of it has to do with we never let our bodies feed off our reserves because we are constantly eating.  Since we are constantly eating our bodies just keep packing the food away around our middles for later use.  I'm not a scientist, my mind does not think like one so my explanation was in the best terms I could do.

Some things I have learned from just the two weeks doing this WOE are:
1.  Food tastes better
2.  I don't need as much food as I think I do
3.  It's OK to be hungry it's burning the fat
4.  I have MORE energy!!!  Something I thought I would never have again cause of my low thyroid.
5.  It's not as hard as you think to do this.
6.  It can help correct blood sugars.  From talking with others on the support group that were diabetic this WOE helped reverse it.

Fast forward to today I am 8.2 lbs lighter!!!!!

Do I think I could do the fasts weekly for the rest of my life?  Yes I do!

Do take a look into this, give it a try you might be surprised at what starts happening outside and inside your body and mind.  I've never been for extreme anything I don't feel this is extreme at all and I don't feel deprived.  In my doctor's words "It's doable".

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Coming together - the school year

So the other day I was stressing over how I will get the girls lessons going this coming fall.  Since we all haven't been feeling 100% this past week.  Since my stress blog, I took some time to do some research.  I googled and looked on pinterest (my addiction) for ideas.  I don't quite have a system in place for this fall and the girls weren't all to fond of last years system.  I'm patiently waiting the program my husband is creating me and as he puts it I've asked for the world.  I need the program to be versatile as we are not just one style of homeschooling.  We are pretty eclectic.  We do book work, computer lessons, we will also be in a co-op 1 day a week this year.  We will  also go on field trips and having life lessons and fun.  I need a program to document all of this and do more.  Nothing on the market is just perfect I've tried a few.  Having hubby create it if it's just not perfect he can redesign it for me or add what I need (got to love having a programmer in teh family).  With that said I need a temporary system till he's done.

I think we will go back to using the calendar system till my program is complete and just hand writing all the lessons in and keeping track of what life lessons we encounter.  This system worked but was very time consuming.  I prefer to type than hand write.

I spent a few hours yesterday really learning how to use Discovery Education .  We have used this program for the past 6 years at least and I was not using this website to its full potential.  I deleted my complicated system and started working on how the website is meant to work and I'm still learning all the features and they have added a lot since we first started using Discovery Education.  If you are interested in signing up for Discovery Education, Homeschoolers buyers co-op is having an amazing sale on it.  If enough people sign up we can get it as low as $99.00.  I usually pay $199 a year for this. and it's currently at $187.

The next thing I spent time on was Khan academy  This site is free and is amazing.  They have so much to offer but I was so lost using it.  I finally found how I can see what my kids have done and if they completed it, struggled with it or excelled at it.  This will be helpful.  I now feel confident that Khan academy will help them get the math concepts they have been struggling with.

We will also be using spellingcity this year.  I've tried in the past to use it but never took the time to really grasp what they have to offer.  I'd get frustrated and try something else which also failed.  This time I took more time (maybe the thyroid brain isn't as foggy either lately) and I have it figured out and we will use it again.  The girls have enjoyed it in the past, I was the one struggling with it.

We may also do one or two live classes on or this year we might just take a break.  We'll see what they want to do.

Those are a few things I have managed to get figured out for the fall.  I still need to create a reading list, learn how to use The Happy Scientist website, work on history and their writing lessons, as well as their interest led learning and I'm sure other things as the year goes on.  But this is a good start and stuff the girls really want to do.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

4-H Fair 2013

Have you heard of 4-H?  I know a lot of people who have never heard of it.  Here is a definition:   A youth organization sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and offering instruction in agriculture and home economics.  The 4 H's mean Head, Heart, Health and Hands.  4-H has so much to offer kids from agriculture to sewing, to woodworking, to photography.. I think you get the idea.  Just about everything you can think of.  There is also public speaking and community service.  The friendships you create are amazing!  

Does that sound like fun?  It is!  I was in 4-H when I was younger for about 2 or 3 years.  I have some fond memories of the projects I worked on and the ribbons I won.  I wanted to give that to my girls.  We've been in 4-H now for the past 6 years and we all enjoy it.  

This past weekend was our counties fair.  Our county pairs up with another county and we put on a pretty nice fair.  

Both my girls were managers in the home arts barn, something they really enjoy.  I have watched both of them grow and mature into wonderful young girls and I have to say 4-H is part of that.  Kev and I help out in any way we can.  

The girls work all year long on projects and then put them in the fair to be judged.  The 4-H judges based on the danish system.  The judges do not judge one person’s work by comparing it to another’s, you are judged against yourself. The evaluation is made against a standard. A judge looks to see whether certain requirements are met.  

One project A wanted to do was a desk redo.  We looked around and finally found a desk that cost only $10 at our local Saver's store.  It was a nice sturdy desk.  She learned how to sand, spray paint, sand the spray paint down and spray again till it was smooth.  She also learned how decoupage scrapbook paper onto the desk to give it some pop.  That got her an outstanding exhibitor ribbon.  

Then she got an court of honor of a picture she took.  Between these two that got her into premier.  So then she got to go around and talk to the judges about her projects. 

In the end she got 4th place.  She really wanted 9th place cause she liked the color ribbon.  That's my girl in it for the fun of it not being competitive.

My oldest had a good year too, she didn't make court of honor this year but she is ok with that. She enjoyed making all her projects and learning some new skills in art and jewerly making.   At the fair she had fun teaching kids how to hula hoop and supporting her 'lil sis.  

See what your local 4-H has to offer your kids and family.  

The fall schedule ????

As i sit here at the computer trying to figure out the fall schedule, I sit and wonder how other families manage getting it all done.  Between the doctor appointments (I have some health issues) and kids doctor appointments, outside the home classes and activities, lessons to be done at home, special projects, and time to spend with friends.  There is really never enough time in the day, week or month.

I want the kids to have those meaningful friendships and I know they have several, but it gets really hard as the kids get older and interests go in different directions and time is even more limited.  I know at this age I was on the phone all the time, but seems not all their friends like to chat on the phone or have facetime or skype.  Some of our friends kids don't like classes or the classes we are taking are to far for some of our friends to join in.  Time gets limited and mom gets stressed trying to do it all.

Maybe in other states you have everything very close to you, but in CT not everything is close by.  We don't even know the homeschoolers in our own town.  I know there are a few but our families philosophies would not mesh up with the ones I have heard that live in the town I live in and it seems that even if you have a different political or religious view they don't have time for you.  It's really kinda of sad, people who should be accepting of others really are not. So we choose to drive and even that is getting harder for me to do.

Well most people would say why don't you just send your kids to school.  That really is not an option.  The education the girls are getting is so much more than they would ever get in school.  If you asked them if they ever wanted to go to school you would get a firm NOOOOOO!!  So don't even bother going there.

In the past I have tried to schedule home days.  That never really worked.  I try to take my kids to friends houses and I head back home to do things.  That also bugs me cause I would like to see my friends too.  I have asked in the past for them to join us in classes or other activities, but that hasn't really worked out.  So, now I'm sitting here figuring out what is important this year and what days we will be doing what.  How will I have time to exercise (I have a lot of weight I HAVE to lose for my health) and I always seem to get put on the backburner, how will I have time teach and have enough time to run to doctor appointments and also get the kids time to spend with their friends.

In a perfect world we'd all live close, all do classes and activities together.  Till then I have to figure out something that will work and make everyone happy including me.

Off to the land of google...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

just testing

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Just testing to see if this works for blog lovin

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hula Hooping

Over the last year and half I have been learning to hula hoop.  I could hula hoop as a kid, but back then we never really tried tricks or anything.  We just stuck the hoop on and hooped around our waists.  When you hoop you can't help but smile big!

My teacher first had to teach me rhythm I had none, I still struggle with this.  Once I got  somewhat of a rhythm down I was able to at least hoop around my waist for more than 2 seconds.  lol.  I'm far from being like my teacher Jen, but omg I'm so much better than I was 1 1/2 years ago.  I can now move a little in my hoop, I'm starting to learn to hoop with my arms inside the hoop, I can do some of the basic things.  I love it!  Being inside that hoop you feel so free.

The other day I tried a smaller size hoop about the same weight as mine and shocked myself that I was able to hoop pretty well inside of it!  I'm getting stronger!!!

I have watched my shyest come out of her shell learning to hoop.  She loves to show people what she is working on and what she knows.  Both my girls hoop and started because I decided to try something different for fitness.  I know if I hooped more I'd be losing more weight, I have lost inches and I have toned up my sides.

So if you think you can't hoop, first of all yes you can.  You need the right size and weighted hoop, you can't just use the hoops from the stores they are to light and to small for us slower moving adults.  So next time you are at a festival or fair and see a hoop vendor ask to try to hoop.  Who cares what others think do it! DO IT YOU WILL LOVE IT!  And i bet you have a smile on your face.

This is a picture of me the first time I tried to hoop in public.  This was about 6 mos before I tried hoop lessons.  See I could do it with "smooth criminal"  that's the name of that hoop, she has a hoop that's large in size to show that anyone can hoop.  TRY IT!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snowmageddon 2013

Well we are snowed in, who'd of thunk in the 21st century we'd be snowed in like this with all the equipment we have these days.  Well when the snow comes down in 4-5" an hour that's how.  We have about 3ft of snow acrossed our street.  It's going to take a bulldozer to get through it.  There are lots of reports of snowplows getting stuck.
Milford CT got like 38" and oxford which is a town over got 36.2.  I'm somewhere in there.
Here are some videos and pictures of the snow.

 yes he's shoveling snow from the window to break up the drift.