Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Update on the 5:2 way of eating

A quick update on my 5:2 way of eating.  I love it!  I'm down 15 pounds.  Some fast days are harder than others but all in all it's pretty easy.  I have more energy which is a big plus and overall I seem much happier.

On my fast days I'm averaging about 600-700 calories which is not to bad.  I'm sure if I could get it under 500 I'd be losing faster but this is fine for me.  I also eat less on feast days and I'm learning the difference from being hungry and bored eating which = a healthier relationship with my food.

Things I'm noticing:  my arms are closer to my body, going up the stairs is getting easier, my back is hurting less (could also be the stretching i'm doing), I had this big fat poof on my neck and even though it's still there it's getting smaller and softer and less defined (hubby's words) and last time I measured I had lost 1.75 inches.  I will measure again at the end of this month.

Next post I will post a comparison photo.

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