Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I'm not the most organized at blogging, but I have all good intentions to do so.  I wanted to do a blog about our vacation that was in September we are now in November.  

We went down south for my nieces wedding.  We made a pitstop in MD to see family and friends.  I had one niece there and shortly before heading out for vacation another niece moved down.  We went to NC and GA and the girls and I are so ready to move south!  They are thinking college down there.  

Some pictures of the trip.  
 We got to go to the MD renfest, haven't been in years
 and we got to see the dualing fools!  I laugh so hard my face hurts.  

 Admiring I believe the south river in MD
 Wilmington NC THE BEACH!!!

 They enjoyed the waves and had such a blast

 The bride and her brother (my niece and nephew)
 Got to have breakfast with two of my nieces, my nephew in law and my great nephew

 Had dinner at the pirate house before going on our ghost trolley tour
 Saw some old friends who took us out on their boat.  

 We had such a wonderful trip and can't wait to go back south again!  My best guess 2015!  I hope!

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