Sunday, September 18, 2011

At the beginning of the year I created a list of goals and my promise to myself was to review them each month to make sure I succeed in reaching my goals.  I have not done this, this is the first time all year I've looked at my goals.  So here it goes:

The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get." - Jim Rohn

Something to remember over the year; is to remember "The Four Agreements":  [1] Be impeccable with your word; [2] Don't take anything personally; [3] Don't make assumptions; [4] Always do your best.

Healthy and Fitness Goals:
  1. I will lose even more weight in 2011.  I will get to my first big goal of under 200 lbs and then set my next big goal when I reach my first goal. I will use baby steps, weights, cardio, and pushing myself to get there.  REALLY STRUGGLING WITH THIS
  2. I will work out 5 days a week for at least 20-30 mins.  WAS DOING THIS THEN GOT PHYSICALLY SICK
  3. I will eat 5+ freggies a day and track them on sparkpeople.  DEF DO THIS
  4. By the end of the year I will be walking no less than 10,000 steps everyday.  LUCKY I GET 5000 UGH
  5. Start each morning with stretches, crunches and pushups  TOTALLY FORGOT THIS ONE

Personal Growth and Peaceful Living:
  1. I will meditate 5 mins a day for my peace of mind  NOT DOING
  2. I will get a massage table so I can start practicing reiki and get my 20 hours I need to finish level 2.   I DID GET THE TABLE BUT NEVER STARTED PRACTICING
  3. I will continue to connect with my spiritiual side by reading, retreat or classes.  DOING THIS

Family and House Goals:
  1. I will work on creating and sticking with chores for the girls to help out more around the house.  STILL WORKING ON
  2. I will teach the girls the importance of goal setting  - I HAVE
  3. I will create an oasis in our bedroom.  – I START TO THEN IT SLIDES

Financial Goals:
  1. Get a plan to pay down debt  - WORKING ON

Social, Fun and Recreational Goals:
  1. I will take time to have lunch/dinner with friends more often.  - SORTA
  2. I will make more time to Geocache and hike with the family and friends.  - UGH
  3. I will learn how to do a mosaic art piece.  – STARTED THIS
  4. Take more pictures of everyday life.  2010 I did not take enough pictures of everyday life.   - SORTA
  5. I will either use my current blog or create a new blog and blog about  every day life, my weight loss journey or whatever floats my boat, who cares if I’m not the best writer or best speller in the world.  Maybe I’ll start it off by posting my 2011 goals  - HMMMM SORTA.. BETTER POST THIS ON MY BLOG TOO
  6. I will read more books for enjoyment.  – I AM
  7. I will have a picnic lunch at the beach with the family  - DID THIS WITH THE GIRLS NOT FAMILY
  8. I will make a list of 100 things that make me laugh  - NEVER DID THIS
  9. As a family we will explore the northeast corner of CT  - HAVE NOT DONE LACK OF MONEY AND TIME
  10. As a family we will take a day trip to NYC  - HAVE NOT
  11. 365 project – I will take a daily picture to document 2011 it will be of my kids, animals, hubby, outdoors basically anything and I will blog about it.  – STARTED THIS BUT HAVE NOT STUCK WITH IT
  12. Decide on a few museums to visit.  – NEVER DID THIS EITHER UGH.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just thinking.....

Over the past few days i've been thinking about my weight.  Why I just can't let go of it.  I do really well i had lost almost 30 lbs and i've gained back about 20 lbs.  I hired a trainer and was working really good with him i could feel myself getting stronger yet nothing was releasing and I was working on my own really hard too.  Then I crashed (that's what i call it when i get in some weird funk and just can't move or have energy).  I have no idea what causes or how i can prevent it..  I'm in a funk right now.  I don't know how to get out of it.  seems this whole summer i was in a funk.

I eat right, and I pretty darn healthy with my food choices.  In a busy life eating out is inevitable so I try to make really good decisions not to ruin what i have done.  But somehow it's creeping back up.

I'm wondering if I should try gluten free or limiting it a good bit.  I've done it before but weight did not release then either.  So I'm not sure what i should do.  Low carb didn't work, WW didn't work (that made me even worse).. I hate anything complicated, eating shouldn't be complicated.

Something a friend said to me the other day about pain and that issues we have suppressed can come back in the form of body pain.  I wonder if the same can be for weight issues.  Anything i guess can be possible.  But how to find out what issues i'm suppressing now that is the million $$ question.  I've also been told that when you are trying to protect yourself from things you put on the pounds.. again if this is the case what is it.

I just don't know which direction to go in now.  Right now i just want that magic pill to give me energy to just move.