Thursday, August 8, 2013

The fall schedule ????

As i sit here at the computer trying to figure out the fall schedule, I sit and wonder how other families manage getting it all done.  Between the doctor appointments (I have some health issues) and kids doctor appointments, outside the home classes and activities, lessons to be done at home, special projects, and time to spend with friends.  There is really never enough time in the day, week or month.

I want the kids to have those meaningful friendships and I know they have several, but it gets really hard as the kids get older and interests go in different directions and time is even more limited.  I know at this age I was on the phone all the time, but seems not all their friends like to chat on the phone or have facetime or skype.  Some of our friends kids don't like classes or the classes we are taking are to far for some of our friends to join in.  Time gets limited and mom gets stressed trying to do it all.

Maybe in other states you have everything very close to you, but in CT not everything is close by.  We don't even know the homeschoolers in our own town.  I know there are a few but our families philosophies would not mesh up with the ones I have heard that live in the town I live in and it seems that even if you have a different political or religious view they don't have time for you.  It's really kinda of sad, people who should be accepting of others really are not. So we choose to drive and even that is getting harder for me to do.

Well most people would say why don't you just send your kids to school.  That really is not an option.  The education the girls are getting is so much more than they would ever get in school.  If you asked them if they ever wanted to go to school you would get a firm NOOOOOO!!  So don't even bother going there.

In the past I have tried to schedule home days.  That never really worked.  I try to take my kids to friends houses and I head back home to do things.  That also bugs me cause I would like to see my friends too.  I have asked in the past for them to join us in classes or other activities, but that hasn't really worked out.  So, now I'm sitting here figuring out what is important this year and what days we will be doing what.  How will I have time to exercise (I have a lot of weight I HAVE to lose for my health) and I always seem to get put on the backburner, how will I have time teach and have enough time to run to doctor appointments and also get the kids time to spend with their friends.

In a perfect world we'd all live close, all do classes and activities together.  Till then I have to figure out something that will work and make everyone happy including me.

Off to the land of google...


  1. I read this last night and I could relate exactly to what you are going through. This happened to us two years ago with DI. The girls were so very very busy that the only kids they were hanging out during that time period were the kids on DI. Then summer rolled around and beach nights started up and they got to see the kids they missed.

    I think this is something we go through as homeschoolers. We have to work so hard to get our girls what they want. Your girls, like mine, like to be busy. At home days drive Grace nuts. Lilah on the other hand needs time at home but the older she gets, the more she is requesting activities. I post from time to time what we are interested in to see if anyone else wants to join in, but ultimately I know I have to create our schedule and hope that the rest falls into place. The times that we are home, I can't just say "oh you're off today, go play".....because then the math, history and other stuff won't get done and that causes me stress. I have two middle school aged kids now and it is sad, but the time for play is mostly on the weekends.

    My girls remember their school experience and they have older cousins in high school and they hear about the clubs, the sports, the student councils and the plays. They want to experience all of this as well, just not in school! If they were in school they would be hanging out with the kids who enjoy the same activities too.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. A friend does not count the hours spent together but rather the times that you were there when it mattered.

    Enjoy this year. I'm glad to see you are blogging more so I can follow along with what you all are up to!


    1. Thanks so much for the kind and encouraging words. It's nice to know we are not alone. I love watching all our kids grow up and watching how their interests change. They all give us so much.
